When it comes to our consulting process, we like to keep things simple. While we technically break things into three phases (requirements, execution, and monitoring/ controlling) they blend together, making the three steps feel like one.

How simple is our process, really? So simple we can sum it up right here. Bring your business case to us, and we’ll develop a plan for a user interface design. Then we’ll create an estimate and get started on the design and implementation process. Once the app is functional, our Nerds will try to break it—testing, debugging and performance tuning—all to make sure your app does exactly what you want it to. Then it’s off to beta testing and deployment. Of course, after your app is live, we’ll still be here to help with version updates down the road. See? Easy-peasy.


And while we have the experts (in Python, Android, iOS and Ruby on Rails), we never forget that you have the vision. You’re involved in the process from start to finish. It’s our ongoing, engaged communication with you that results in our mutual masterpiece.

But what if you’re not ready for a completed masterpiece quite yet? If you’re looking to quickly get your project off the ground, we can help with that, too. We’ll work with you to create a Minimum Viable Product or Proof of Concept that’s just enough to lay the groundwork and help you get things rolling at your company’s own pace.

Mobile Playbook click to download – Mobile Version

Ready for the partnership? Good. Because we’re just itching to get started.

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